Strawberry Season: When are Strawberries in Season?

Seasonal strawberries in a pink bowl centered on a red backdrop

Are Strawberries in Season in February?

Strawberries are in season in Australia in summer with a healthy supply from the southern states up until March. Availability can drop sharply in late autumn but Queensland growers will be harvesting and delivering our delicious strawberries throughout winter and spring.

Availability of Strawberries in Spring

When is Strawberry Season in Australia?

Strawberry season in Australia usually has two peaks. The summer strawberry season peaks in December and January with availability from Victorian growers. The Queensland season peaks in winter around July or August.

Strawberry is a summer fruit in it’s natural environment, as the plant is dormant through winter. They are a relatively fragile crop and do not do well in hot temperatures which is why Queensland strawberries are planted in autumn. The Victorian strawberry season is able to stretch for around eight months through planting a mixture of strawberry varieties.

Strawberries grown in your garden are usually short-lived perennials that can produce for three to five years. At a commercial level strawberries are an annual crop and are grown from runners which are planted at the start of strawberry planting season. More recently strawberry plugs are being tested as a way to increase the yield during strawberry growing seasons.

Availability of Strawberries by Month

Where Do Strawberries Come From in Australia?

Up to 80% of strawberries in Australia are grown in Queensland and Victoria. In winter our strawberries come from Queensland and Western Australia, and in summer they come from Victoria, South Australia and Tasmania. We only import frozen strawberries so most strawberries you see on shelves will be local.

Wild strawberries occur in much of the world including Europe, South America, North America, and Asia. Most strawberry varieties available in Australia originate from the garden strawberry which was first developed in France in the 1700s.

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