Raspberry Season: When are Raspberries in Season?

Seasonal raspberries in a glass bowl on a pink backdrop

Are Raspberries in Season in February?

Raspberries are in season in Australia in summer with plenty of supply up until April. Availability drops in autumn but NSW and Queensland polytunnel farms produce raspberries throughout autumn, winter and spring.

Availability of Raspberries in Australia by Month

When is Raspberry Season in Australia?

Raspberry season in Australia is in summer but raspberries are available year round. The peak raspberry season is between October and April with up to 75% of Australian raspberries being delivered during these months.

Raspberry is a summer fruit and like other berries the plant is dormant over winter in a natural settings. Up to 80% of commercial raspberries are grown in polytunnels which grants us a generous supply of fruit all year round.

Raspberries are perennial plants but have biennial canes. Most plants produce multiple shoots (canes) and each shoot will fruit in autumn in its first year and summer in its second year. Commercial growers typically replace plants after 5 years of production. Modern farms rely increasingly on cultured raspberry plugs to reach productivity as quickly as possible.

Availability of Raspberries in Australia by Season

Where Do Raspberries Come From in Australia?

Rubus berries including raspberries have native varieties on every continent except Antarctica. While there are native varieties in Australia, most commercially grown raspberries are European cultivars and US hybrid varieties.

More than 75% of raspberries in Australia are grown in Tasmania, Victoria and NSW. In summer our raspberries come from Tasmania and Victoria and in winter they come from NSW and Queensland. Tasmania is currently the largest producing state for raspberries in Australia.

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